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Frequently Asked Questions

If your question isn't answered on this page, feel free to contact us and we'll try to help!

Am I guaranteed a t-shirt?

All that register by March 5th are guaranteed a shirt.  Any entries received after this date may receive a shirt, but it is not guaranteed. Availability and sizes will vary based on inventory.  Register early! 


Can I pick up my family member’s race packet?

Of course!  Packet pick up will be at all three John Adams Academy campuses on Friday, March 28th (the day before the race):

Lincoln campus: Noon - 3:30pm

El Dorado Hills campus: 11am - 3:30pm

Roseville campus: 11am - 6pm


Can I get my packet on race day?

You can, at our Roseville campus only from 7-8am.


What if it’s raining the day of the race?

Rain or shine, we’re running!


Where do I park on the day of the race?

There is limited parking available on John Adams Academy Roseville Campus. Please park off site and walk in.  


Where can I use the restroom on the day of the race?

There will be portable restrooms set up by the Washington Building.  John Adams Academy buildings will be closed for restroom use.


Are baby joggers/strollers allowed?

Of course!  Please let faster runners line up before you. 


I’m not in the front at the start line, does it matter?

No! Your time doesn’t start until you cross the starting line timing system. Safety is our top priority, so please use caution, especially as our race begins.


Can my dog join the race with me?

Yes, but please keep furry friends leashed at all times and come prepared to clean up messes.


What happens after the race?

After the race, enjoy our Family Festival! Please stick around for booths, food trucks, special guests, and award ceremony!

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